Sveikinimas anglų kalbos lyderių turo rašinių nugalėtojoms

Džiaugiamės abiturienčiu analitiniu  mąstymu, žodžio drąsa, originalumu, anglų kalbos semantika bei  sintakse turtingu kontekstu. Kviečiame susipažinti su rašiniais.


                  As standard of living is at unprecedented level, why humans are still that unhappy?


“People these days forget how important it is to prioritize mental health and emotions and often focus on materialistic goods instead of their spiritual well-being. A clear example of this is constant worrying about all the wrong things. It is common for people to stress themselves out, and essentially, forget the importance of values that humans carry from generation to generation. In addition, it might seem that getting a house, a car, or a brand-new phone is what could make a person more content, yet it is a rarity that people who have the privilege to obtain these things feel truly happy. With society slowly dehumanizing and losing all ties to their primitive, yet spiritually enriched nature, humans fail to understand basic emotions and sink into consumerism. Valuing materialistic things can only provide them with limited containment, rather than helping them evolve and learn how to be morally richer and truly feel happier.”

(Monika Dubovikaitė, 4b kl.)

Nuoroda į rašinį: 

“Pleasure and happiness are not truly the same - the latter can only bring the people comfort and satisfaction, not contentment. People without realizing often use it to avoid true life and its sensations, they numb themselves, disconnect their bodies from feelings or any true sensations. Humans easily fall into the trap of pleasure, they choose to satisfy and settle with a simple and pleasurable life without its meaningful purpose, not contributing anything to the well-being of the society. Illustrative example of it is a modern work addict consuming himself till all of his feelings disappear and he starts to only feel a numb satisfaction, a teenager getting high every evening due to acquired contemporary habits or a person gorging oneself with food to avoid any true sensation. According to George Bernard Shaw, “we have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.” This is why taking short cuts to pleasure with the help of addictive occupations is being criticized by the individuals who root of a morally correct path to happiness. ”

(Liepa Venclovaitė, 4b kl.) 


Nuoroda į rašinį: 


Jūratė Budvydienė,

anglų kalbos mokytoja metodininkė

Anglų kalbos mokytoja metodininkė Jūratė Budvydienė

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