Abituriento Oskaro istorija. A look over my university application process

I am a 12th year student at Trakai Vytautas Magnus gymnasium. Autumn of the year 2022 was a bit hectic for me since I started my university application. For the longest I can remember myself, I was determined to study a biology related programme. But the last summer I changed my mind, which placed me into a flurry of uncertainty. This was the time I changed my perspective to something art related. 
I had participated in quite a few study expositions. They really put me into a better stride of understanding the whole university world. But it still was hard finding the university with a programme that suits my needs. Therefore, I would encourage everyone to do their research in advance and start daydreaming about their wishes. It is not the best idea to procrastinate on this matter and it will make things easier for the future. 
Since I always imagined myself studying abroad, it was where I was looking for universities. I was researching all the possible cities that came to my mind. As I have been to Prague a few times and I fell in love with the city, I was obliged to look for something there. And my eyes landed on Prague City university with a suitable programme for me. So shortly I began my application process. 
I am extremely grateful that this university has made their application as easy as it could get. Nevertheless, I managed to face some unclarities. When that happens, you should not hesitate to find the contacts of an advisor from the university and contacting them. Not a single question that comes to you may be considered dumb. And remember, you are doing it for yourself. 
Then I established a connection with an advisor assigned to me. Her name is Martina and she answered every question I had presented. The whole process was rather encouraging in some way. I felt respected and wished to apply. All in all, we exchanged about 16 emails, that is how many times I had haziness regarding the application. And even when I did not, she would contact me and ask whether everything is clear. 
When I was done with the motivational letter and presented my portfolio as well as my grades from the year 11 of school, the interview followed. I had already had some experience with interview, so felt calm. But as the day approached, I some anxiety popped up. But the interviewer was such a nice man that it quickly went away. Basically, the whole point of the interview was to consider my motivation. It consisted of a chit-chat with him and talking about what I had presented in my portfolio. He said his response was positive, meaning that it was almost certain that I was getting accepted. 
After a few days I received a letter stating that the university is admitting my application and I am welcome to start my studies there. It was such a delight that this journey ended for some time. Additionally, I was granted a scholarship I had applied for, which decreased the cost of the studies. 
The biggest mistake of mine was not to understand the pricing. When I applied, I was sure it was one price, but it turned out that the price stated was for one semester. This resulted in me paying twice as much as I was expecting. Regardless of that, I am extremely happy to know what I will be doing after I graduate.

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