Dalyvavimas tarptautinėje konferencijoje „Knyga – būdas pažinti save“

  • Paskelbta: 2021-10-25
  • Kategorija: Renginiai


Dalyvavimas tarptautinėje konferencijoje „Knyga – būdas pažinti save“


Skaitymas – pareiga ar pasirinkimas gyventi su knyga? Tokio klausimo vedinos mes, 7 c klasės mokinės, dalyvavome tarptautinėje lietuvių kalbos ir užsienio kalbų mokinių tiriamųjų ir kūrybinių darbų konferencijoje „Knyga – būdas pažinti save“, kurią organizavo Vilniaus „Laisvės“ gimnazija. Renginio įžanginėje dalyje svečiai ir dalyviai klausėsi rašytojų Liutauro Degėsio ir Jurgitos Barišauskienės bei Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos Dokumentų paveldo tyrimų departamento Lituanistikos skyriaus tyrėjos Dalios Cidzikaitės pranešimų. Motyvuojančios kalbos ir patirtys įkvėpė nesiskirti su knyga ir taip planuoti laiką, kad skaitymas taptų įpročiu. Įžanginė dalis praskriejo akimirksniu, o tada renginio dalyviai, kurių buvo apie 60,  suskirstyti į 5 sekcijas.

Mūsų pranešimą, kurį parengėme anglų kalba, sudarė dvi dalys – TVDG 7 klasės mokinių tyrimo apie skaitymą pristatymas  bei mūsų skaitymo patirtys. Konferencijai pasiruošti padėjo anglų kalbos mokytoja Rita Sadovskienė. Džiaugiamės sėkmingu startu pirmame tokio pobūdžio renginyje!

Mūsų pranešimo ištrauka.

Rugilė: When I was younger I used to read books all the time. While most of my peers played around, I would rather spend my time skimming along the pages of books. I would read hundreds of pages every day, and most books barely lasted a week for me to read. Today, I don’t read as much, as schoolwork gets harder and extracurricular activities take up more of my time. However, I still love spending my afternoons curled up with a good book. Reading is a way to get away from my daily chores, even if just for a little while. I love getting lost in the pages and experiencing a world full of adventure and magic. I see reading as a hobby, a fun activity to pass my time once in a while. I don’t think it is or should be forced upon people, as most people who say they don’t enjoy it either see reading as mandatory or haven’t found the right books for them. I personally enjoy fantasy books and poems, but I don’t enjoy science related texts. I can’t imagine what my life would be like now without reading and books, and I think a lot of people are missing out on thousands of amazing books, just because of their beliefs that books are boring.

Mortos V.: Reading to me is an escape, a new reality. I mostly read philosophical books. Reading them makes me think and question myself. It awakens a part of me and improves my understanding of myself and everyone around me. Books reveal a lot about the author. It's interesting to see their heart poured out into one book. You get to know them as person, and take a deep dive into their minds. Sometimes it feels like you know them personally, even though you never met them. It's hard to find an interesting and morally correct book and I often find myself in the isles of libraries and bookstores. There is nothing better than a good book with a hot snack to enjoy at the end of my day and I hope to see more people enjoying books like I do.

Mortos R.: For me, reading is a run-away from the real world. I read because it helps me understand the world and myself better through the eyes of characters. If I am reading a book I truly enjoy, I leave my life behind and transform into one of the characters. I get to see and explore the world from their eyes, and feel like I am a part of it. Because of this, I love reading fantasy and action books. I don't enjoy encyclopaedias or other detailed texts as they can be pretty boring at times. That's why I hate most school assigned books as they often fail to interest me. I think that people should read more, as reading can be extremely beneficial. While reading you improve your writing and self-expression skills as well as expand your vocabulary.

Rugilė Vaisėtaitė, Morta Varanavičiūtė ir Morta Rakauskaitė, 7 c klasės mokinės





Rita Sadovskienė

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